Cator Woolford Gardens

Cator Woolford Gardens is a non-profit venue in the heart of Atlanta that hosts wedding, personal events, and tv and movie shoots on the grounds. All proceeds earned go to a school for differently abled children called Frazer Center. I was able to design this multipage microsite for them to direct event traffic and any and all donations. The idea was to bring the garden’s excellence to the forefront and introduce their mission to the world in an organized way.

You can visit the site at

Logo, Site Design


ADDY’s Site of the Year 2017

The magnolia logo mark.

The most iconic southern flower is the magnolia, pristine and white. Magnolias are associated with nobility, perseverance, dignity and a love of nature , a perfect fit for the gardens. The Cator Woolford logo was taken from this flower, not only does it call back to the flower in likeness, it also remarks on the jewel that the gardens are and the unions that take place there.

Interactive map of the grounds.

The best way to view the gardens is in person but, in order to help viewers online, I created this interactive map. As users click through the map of the gardens a small description about the area and a picture pop up to help add context and explain the features of those grounds.